
By Chuy Harris

I could totally sit here and write paragraphs about the art of coffee growing, or the art of coffee roasting, or the art of whatever, but why blow smoke up your ass about something that I don’t even concern myself with? I’m the anti-coffee-coffee-roaster. I don’t care about altitude, terroir, varietal, tasting notes, or anything else you’ve probably read about and received as some kind of indoctrination. I don’t play by the rules. I’m a misanthropic iconoclast. Why on earth would i play by the same stupid rules as everyone else? Do you think I wake up in the morning trying to be the best roaster? Do you think I cup my own coffees and score them, hoping that the customer and coffee person taste 88 or better? I don’t. In fact, I’d rather give you a 78 coffee and have you trample it with cream and sweetener than give you a 94 coffee that’s delicate like cobwebs and gossamer. That is not my lane. I’m a disrupter; always was, always will be.

You know who else was a disrupter? Lilith. Lilith was Adam’s original wife and she stirred the pot so much that according to Kabbalah and other Jewish mythologies, Adam had God banish her from Eden and create a whole new woman. Lilith was a woman who knew what she wanted, took no shit, and didn’t care if Adam liked it or not. Imagine Wendy O. Williams with scarlet hair and that’s pretty much Lilith. However, because the patriarchy loves subservient women, they totally 86 Lilith from the creation myth and only focus on Eve, a woman born of Adam’s own body. 

So Judeo-Christian mythology ran with the Adam and Eve story and abandoned Lilith, to which she became a focal point for us in the occult community, especially the Left Hand Path. Since she didn’t bend the knee to Adam, she was labeled a succubus and demon. What they didn’t know though was that a woman and feminist icon such as Lilith, and her being scrubbed from the story, only imbued her with great power and made her a patron figure in moon magic, sex magic, and casting spells in general.

This box and this coffee is my love letter to Lilith. I call it blackmoonlilith because of astrology. In a nutshell, black moon Lilith is about the apogee of the moon (farthest point away from earth), and as of when I roast this coffee, black moon Lilith will be in Gemini. This is interesting to me for a few reasons. Black moon Lilith in Gemini is a seductress; it only seeks to validate its own needs, especially romantically. Also, communication becomes cloudy as those with black moon Lilith in Gemini in their birth chart are always misunderstood and perceived as offensive or cunning and calculated; again self serving and refusing to conform like the original Lilith. Black moon Lilith in Gemini is all about voicing your opinion, and being different and dwelling in the taboo, consequences be damned. I think this is a perfect aspect to that love letter and to my life in general and my career in coffee.

Inside this package are all the tools you need to summon Lilith personally for your needs, including an incantation to call upon her for help in your life. She is a goddess for us occultists, but she is incredibly powerful and isn’t one to take lightly. When doing any invocation of her, make sure your wants are clear and specific and that you are truly in a place to receive her guidance and her power. You will not be disappointed.


Morning Daydreams- Shaa’ista


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