Glitter Cat HR is diversifying the pool of HR professionals in the specialty coffee industry.

The 23 Glitter Cats of 2023

Watch our first contributor video made by Kayla Scott, DiGi2TiON Semi-Finalist 2022, in partnership with Torani!


The Imbibe 75

We were recently featured among 775 people and organizations to look out for in 2022!

Thank you to everyone who is has been and is on the journey with us!!!

ConGLITTERlations Divya!

Meet the 2022 DiGi2TiON Champion! Click on the image to learn all about our second season of our digital competition and to watch some of your favorites compete!

reimagining the coffee industry

through competition and hospitality


Cover image of Marsinah Hopkins (GC Barista 2020) taken by Elizabeth Chai (@chaiamericano) for Sprudge Media.